You have to have a great body to be nude around others. Wrong on so many levels! Most think you have to have this perfect body so they use the reason of 'I'm not in good enough shape to do that'. But the Wonderful thing about the nudist lifestyle is nudists are Very Non Judgemental and we accept each other just as we are. Nudist will pay much less attention to your body than those in the textile community. Look at Guy & I, he is in decent shape and I'm a heavy set woman, but No One Cares what we look like in the nudist community. We've been at nudists resorts and seen seniors on oxygen, little kids, people with missing limbs, a family of little people, and all other types you can imagine. I know it's hard to believe, but most are afraid when they first try it because they expect everyone to stare at them, and it Doesn't Happen. People will just come up and greet you as if you were dressed, except they are usually more friendly than at social settings where everyone is clothed. See we tend to judge each other much more when clothed because the 'clothing makes the man' kind of mindset is most prevalent. And when you're naked there's no Gucci handbags, or expenses shoes to worry about. People will just judge you on your personality. It's a wonderful feeling, so don't worry about what you look like naked, its Very Unimportant! Many women especially, gain a much better acceptance of their body as is it when around nudists. It can be very liberating and free you from the embarrassment you've carried for years about your excess weight, scars, or whatever. Nudists don't care about those things and it's amazingly liberating.
I'm just to shy. Truth is, a lot of nudists are very shy. But if you'll just try attending a nudist event once, even if you wear clothes, you'll find that you'll feel comfortable with the idea of undressing around others. You'll see everyone just relaxing and having fun, with no staring, comments, etc and most people realize that they feel more comfortable with the idea than they thought. Once you shed your clothes and feel the sun on your entire body, and the breeze, the coolness, etc, you'll be sold. And most likely, no one will even pay any attention to the fact that you just got naked, because everyone else will be anyway.
I'm afraid family, friends or co workers will find out. Truth is, if you happen to run into one a nudist event, which is rare, you'll know they are into the same thing and it will be no big deal. And nudists are very understanding of the need for confidentiality and do go around dropping names about who they hung out with nude or something like that. So it's highly unlikely they'll find out. BUT, if they do, it's almost always much worse in your mind than in reality. We finally came out to all our friends and family a few years ago, and most were fine with it. Some family, and this is the minority, couldn't understand it and don't want to know about it, but they accept that it's who we are and it's no big deal. So don't worry about is as no one is likely to know unless you tell them.
I've heard that nudists are just perverts or just into it for the sex. Or that nudist resorts or groups are unsafe for women. WRONG AGAIN. Nudists are very protective of others and most nudist resorts are MUCH safer than a public clothed setting. Nudists are not even allowed to do anything sexual in a public nudist setting. If they do at a resort, they will be asked to leave quickly. You WON'T be hit on, and if you are, you tell the owners and that person will likely be removed if it was done inappropriately.
So if you feel you could never try being naked around others, here's a few suggestions to try it out on a safe level and find out if it might be for you.
Start by spending time nude at home. Walk around, watch TV, and sleep nude. Then try walking out
in your back yard or any space that is private where you can feel safe and comfortable. Maybe you have to go up into the mountains, or find a secluded place to lay out and enjoy the feeling of the sun and breeze on your body and allow it to relax you and soon you will realize that this is the way nature intended. Not bound in textiles (clothing) that make us uncomfortable and put labels on us. I personally hate designer labels, or any labels. We shouldn’t be defined by how much money we spend on our clothing, but rather what kind of human being we are.
burden has been lifted off your shoulders.
Guy & Carla Purcella
i have a nice home with empty nest now would enjoy meeting other nudists. have a great hot tub and lots of movies for movie nights. let me know cause I don't do yahoo or facebook lol.
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DeleteAnother one I get, as a Christian, is "The Bible says it's wrong." Actually, it doesn't--and more and more Christians are finding this out and trying naturism and finding it "very good." (Genesis 1:31) Believe it or not, there are two Biblical instances of God-ordained nudity: I Samuel 19:18-24, where King Saul gets filled with the Holy Spirit and takes off his clothes to prophesy; and Isaiah 20, where the LORD commands the prophet to go "naked and barefoot three years" (vs. 3) to make a prophetic point. Nudity just wasn't such a big deal in Bible times.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the insight I love your blog