Being nudists we had the idea of having a nudist wedding,
and knowing most of our family and a lot of friends wouldn’t be comfortable
with this we decided to have two weddings! One traditional and the other nude.
The reaction from our family and friends was mixed. Some had no problem with it
and others were almost horrified at the possibility of being around nude
people, OMG, lol. Other than my daughter no family
attended the nudist ceremony but most were fine with it, they just didn't want to see us naked, which wouldn't have bothered us..

This was so much fun planning for two weddings.
Guy had never worn a tux before so we did it
up nice, black jeans, tux jacket, pink tie/ vest
he looked great!!!
I wore white with a veil.
Yes it was my third wedding but white is for
a new start, nothing else. We went with pink shirts for grandkids as our
grandsons’ dad is a bit uptight and had told the kids that pink was a girl
color and we wanted to show them that its ok and did it in a way that they
didn’t have to go against their dad. And it went with Guy's Pink vest anyway. We just got them to dress in their pink shirts
for our wedding, along with the other grandkids who all had identical pink/white
polos and they loved them.
Two of them
later wore their pink shirts when starting school that fall.
We had the traditional wedding in our front yard with my son
walking me down the aisle and daughter being maid of honor. All the 5 grandkids were included and they
had a blast. We had about 40 at our
wedding, and had a band for dancing.
Both of our mothers were here and that was wonderful.
I made both the wedding cakes and did the food for both so I
was a busy girl which was cool.
All went
very well and we had a fantastic day.
The next day was even better… we had our nudist wedding in our back yard
next to the pool and it was wonderful.
The woman who performed both ceremonies decided to officiate in the
nude, which was a first for her, but she enjoyed it. A close friend walked me down the aisle (nude also) and our daughter was maid of
honor and brought a couple of friends with her.
There were about 20-25 at the nude wedding and we all were able to enjoy
the pool after.
The reactions from those attending were great since how often do you get the chance to attend a Nude Wedding? Everyone loved it, and some were well known after that as the 'Guy who attended a nude wedding', lol. There were really no negative reactions to the whole event so it was very nice overall. And hey, we got to eat wedding cake twice, lol! We made a point to get extra messy with the cake the 2nd time and then just jumped in the pool to clean off, which is just another benefit to not wearing clothes.

No one at the nude ceremony was uncomfortable in any way, even the photographer who stayed clothed the whole time. And the photographer is the one who suggested the photo below, which has become one of our favorite, Fun photos. We call it 'The Reception Line', lol.

We were even featured in a magazine called Real People, which is out of the UK, with a story all about our nude wedding. They were searching for a couple who had had a nude wedding to do a story about. They couldn't find anyone in the UK, but found out about ours somehow and asked us if we'd be willing to be in their magazine with a story about the nude wedding. We aren't ashamed of our nudist lifestyle so gladly agreed. The article came out in I believe June of 2013 and although they took liberties with the story to spice it up, it was overall a positive story, so we're happy.
If you've ever considered having a naked wedding, try it. You may have to have 2 ceremonies like we did to keep everyone happy, but it's worth it. There's nothing like walking down the isle nude, knowing everyone there is accepting of you just as you are. And there's much less planning to do for the nude wedding as there's no need for dress selections, shoes, etc. Ours was very simple, but wonderful.
We weren’t able to go on our honeymoon as the homeowners (we
were renting) had gone into foreclosure and we had to start moving right
away. Will talk more about that in
another blog post.
Just found your blog through all nudist just want to say you folks are awesome
ReplyDeleteJust love it! Congratulation, from Brazil!